- 技术说明
- 尺寸参数
1.The product is mainly used to defrost frozen aquatic products. The products out of refrigerator to be processed will be firstly pre-defrosted and then defrosted by thawing machine in order to meet following processing requirements;
2.Working principle of thawing machine: Ambient heat is sent to thaw slot via vortex pump to form larger bubbles, which drive water to wash products to be defrosted so as to defrost them layer by layer;
3.Defrosted products are immediately sent out via conveyor and frozen products are continuously defrosted in order to meet defrosted product requirements and ensure product quality;
4.Defrosting process is carried out under low temperature in order to avoid discoloration of products and improve product quality;
5.The product is designed with advanced concept and transmission part can be raised or lowered for convenient cleaning in order to meet food hygiene requirements;
6.Large drain outlet is used for quick and convenient drainage and a large amount of cleaning time is saved;
7.Schneider electrical components are used to provide sufficient safety;
8.The thawing machine solves time consuming, water wasting and uneven thawing problems of manual defrosting.
9.If higher defrosting efficiency is required, users can use steam source. Our products can be customized according to existing resources available to users in order to maximize their applications;